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Chang-Hoi Ho

Seoyeon Lee
Ingyu Park
Dong-Gyu Hyeon
Ka-Young Kim
Seungwoo Yoo
Hee-Ae Kim
Bokyung Kong
Sohee Park

Visiting Students
Weizhen Chen

Past Members

Professor : Chang-Hoi Ho

Tel: 82-2-3277-4787
Email: hoch@ewha.ac.kr

B. S. 1986, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Seoul National University, Korea
M. S. 1988, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Seoul National University, Korea
Ph. D. 1994, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Seoul National University, Korea

Research Interest
He has conducted a wide spectrum of research in the field of climate analysis and modeling, and climate physics. His main research areas include cloud-radiation interaction, East Asian summer and winter monsoons, tropical cyclone (TC) analysis, vegetation-climate interaction, and air pollution climatology. Among these, he has put special emphasis on construction of the seasonal forecast system for TC activities in the western North Pacific and the North Atlantic. This model can predict possibility of TC landfalls and associated potential damages in South Korea. His current research includes projections of future TC activities over the globe, the interaction between vegetation and climate in the Northern Hemisphere boreal ecosystems, variations of extreme climate events such as heavy rainfall, drought, warm and cold surges in South Korea associated with global warming, and the construction of forecast system for air quality related to particulate matters (PM10 and PM2.5) in Seoul and South Korea. He works closely with his graduate students and post Doc in research.
He emphasizes multi-disciplinary research approaches within climate sciences by combining climate variables and various weather events such as tropical cyclones, extreme events, and air pollutions. He believes that such a multi-faceted approach will enable innovative and lading research in earth sciences.

Personal Employment
March 1988-February 1994: Graduate Research Assistant
Department of Atmospheric Sciences
Seoul National University
Seoul 151-742 Korea

April 1994-December 1994: Research Associate
Research Institute of Basic Sciences
Seoul National University
Seoul 151-742 Korea

December 1994-November 1997: Research Associate
Climate and Radiation Branch
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771, U. S. A.

March 1998-March 2002: Assistant Professor
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Seoul National University
Seoul 151-742 Korea

April 2002-March 2008: Associate Professor
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Seoul National University
Seoul 151-742 Korea

April 2008-December 2023: Professor
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Seoul National University
Seoul 08826 Korea

January 2024-Present: Professor
Department of Climate & Energy Systems Engineering
Ewha Womans University
Seoul 03760 Korea

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